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Collana "Le storie" - Gli odori del signor Cotter

 Classification level:                                        ?

            Classificazione B1 - Livello intermedio Classificazione B2 - Livello intermedio +



Gli odori del signor Cotter

(Mr. Cotter’s Scent)


Intermediate level


ISBN 88-87883-24-6

64 pages

Size: 130mm x 180mm

CD length: 34’48”

Price: € 9.80


Mr Cotter is a successful lawyer. He has a fine house, a happy family and many friends. But even in his quiet and careless life a problem arises, a big problem: the lawyer begins to stink.


A tale about the surprises that life sometimes reserves us.


gli odori del signor cotter


Le Storie
This series presents a series of short stories in various levels of difficulty. Each volume has a great number of language notes inside (to explain the more difficult words, without losing track of the story and the taste for reading), a reasoned vocabulary, as well as comprehension exercises and exercises with solutions.


Gli odori del signor Cotter
Gli odori del signor Cotter
Click this link to read some pages inside the book !


